A new format. Open Ice. More puck touches. Hockey, we’ve missed you.
Welcome to the Canlan YHL Fall ’20 season.
The ice is opening up this summer with a new 4-on-4 format in the Canlan Youth Hockey League. More space, more puck touches, and more opportunities to make plays.
We’re tweaking the rules to create more space in the offensive zone, a free-flowing game without faceoffs, and additional measures to provide a safe and fun place to play.
As we return to play at Canlan Ice Sports, you may notice that things are going to be a little different. Stay tuned at for news and updates to get you ready for the season.
FALL 2020
01-SEP | 24-SEP | 10 Games (No Playoffs) |
Two Per Week | 20-20 run-time |
▪ U9 Hockey 1-4 (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015)
▪ U13 Atom/Peewee (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011)
▪ U18 Bantam/Midget (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007)
*Divisions will be contingent on the number of teams registered.
**Start and end dates are subject to change based on the guidance of government and health agencies that oversee the jurisdiction of the Canlan Ice Sports location.
▪ Maximum of eight (8) skaters and one (1) goaltender present at each game
▪ Additional players may be registered on the team roster
Game Structure:
▪ 50-minute ice-slot | 5-minute warm-up | Two (2) 20-minute run-time periods
▪ Players will be required to review rule changes prior to their first game, which will be distributed by the League Manager at each location
PRICE (+ tax)
Individual Registrations: $200 + tax
▪ For players who made a payment for a previous ’20 registration please bypass the payment section of the registration. You will be contacted regarding the application of any credits on file.
We know, it’s been a while. Let’s try to save you a click and answer some questions about returning to the league.
We already registered for Summer 2020, do we need to register again?
Yes, please click here to re-register your team, or as an individual registrant for a Summer 2020 4-on-4 division. If you previously made a payment (e.g. a Deposit) towards the Summer 2020 season, please bypass the payment section of the registration. Your League Manager will work with you to transfer the payment to the 4-on-4 season. In the event of any difference in the amount paid between an original Summer 2020 payment and the cost of the new 4-on-4 format, your team will be given the choice to retain the difference as a credit, or take a refund.
Why are we moving to 4-on-4?
Canlan Ice Sports and the Calko Group Youth Hockey League are working hard to ensure that our participants are as safe as possible. By going to a 4-on-4 format with a limit of nine (9) participants per team, we’re able to ensure that physical distancing can be maintained in the dressing room, on the player’s bench — and by creating additional space on the ice — reduce the amount of incidental contact and puck scrums that would otherwise be part of the game.
Where can I find the new rules?
A full list of rule changes will be available online prior to the start of the season. These rule changes will cover in-game restart procedures for the game with no face-offs, how offside and icing will be handled, and more. Oh, we should also mention that penalties will now be served via a penalty shot.
Can I register more than nine (9) players on my team?
Yes, teams are permitted to have more than nine (9) registered players, however at this time only eight (8) skaters and one (1) goaltender will be permitted to attend a specific game.
Can my child participate if they’re born after 2011?
Unfortunately at this time our Summer ’20 offering is exclusively for players born between 2011 and 2002.
What’s changing at the rink?
All patrons and participants at Canlan Ice Sports locations will notice some changes when they come back to the rink. Controls will be in place to provide you with a specified path to the rink you’re playing on, and limit any opportunities to come into contact with another individual without proper physical distancing. With Zone Attendants and Health and Safety Ambassadors on-site, our goal is to provide as safe of an environment as we can.
Who can accompany my child to the rink?
Presently there will be a limit on one parent or guardian accompanying a child to the rink. Zone attendants and wayfinding signage will direct parents and guardians to the viewing platform, where they will be able to remain physically distanced from other spectators while watching their child’s game.
Can my child use the dressing room?
We encourage all Calko Group YHL participants to arrive at the rink fully dressed, however, we do realize this may not be possible in all cases. Dressing rooms will be available provided that participants abide by the markers within each room that specify physical distancing between participants. A maximum of six (6) participants will be allowed into each dressing room. All participants are required to be able to tie their own skates and get themselves dressed if they choose to use the dressing room.
Does my child need to wear a mask while they play?
At this time, wearing a mask is not a requirement for participation. Players are recommended to wear a full shield if possible, however this is not mandatory.
Can we use Summer ’20 credits for the summer season?
Yes, teams and individual registrants are welcome to use any credit that may be on file towards the Summer ’20 season.
What if we paid for the Summer ’20 season but no longer want to play?
If your team originally made a payment towards the Summer 2020 season (e.g. a Team Deposit) and no longer wish to play, your payment will automatically be held on-file as a credit until December 31st, 2021. Please contact us if you require further information regarding your credit balance.
In order to ensure that our operations remain fluid and follow the guidance of government and health agencies, please note that operations, policies, and procedures are always subject to change.

If you’re looking to register your son, your daughter, or yourself …as a coach, of course, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re with a team, or looking to register as an individual, we’re the league for you!
Address: #2-175B Wrangler Way, 100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E0
League Manager: Laura Albert
Phone: (250) 395-1353
Located just off the Cariboo Highway, the South Cariboo Recreation Centre is the hub for hockey in the region. Boasting an in-arena concession, Player’s Lounge, and much more, our location also highlights the natural beauty of British Columbia with large timbers right at our door-step.